916M: RPK: The Arsehole is Boss …

“Sad, very sad, when one arsehole decides the future of a country of 27 million people.”

Yes, very very sad indeed. One arsehole sacrifices himself and attempts to thwart the future of a nation.

Very powerful arsehole indeed!

But we shall not be shaken, we shall not be thwarted by this arsehole, for we shall ensure that this arsehole remains a true blue arsehole, not the bossy arsehole who to an extent deserves a little more respect.



916 Movement


RPK: The Arsehole is Boss

Thursday, 03 June 2010 Super Admin

Today, I thought I might as well jump onto the bandwagon and also talk about arseholes. After all, I don’t want anyone to allege that Malaysia Today is not keeping up with the latest issue.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

One day, all the different parts of the body had a meeting to discuss who should be the boss.

The brain said it should be the boss because it did all the thinking.

The eyes said it should be the boss because it did all the seeing.

The ears said it should be the boss because it did all the hearing.

The mouth said it should be the boss because it allowed the body to eat.

The tongue said it should be the boss because without it the body would not be able to talk or taste any of the food that it ate.

And so the debate continued with the hands, feet, fingers, toes, neck and all the other parts of the body arguing their case as to why they should be the boss. And the debate went on without any consensus until the arsehole butted in (pun intended) and argued that it should be the boss.

There was a moment of total silence before all the parts of the body rolled on the ground laughing uncontrollably. “You can’t be the boss,” they replied. “You are just an arsehole.”

This made the arsehole very angry and it clammed up and refused to open. Nothing could enter the body through the arsehole, not even a plastic device. More importantly, nothing could leave the body and after a week or so the brain became mushy and could no longer think. The eyes became watery and could no longer see. The ears became zingy and could no longer hear. The mouth, tongue, hands, feet, fingers, toes and whatnot all became weak and could no longer function properly.

By the tenth day the body was at the point of death and all the parts of the body relented and agreed that the arsehole should be the boss. The arsehole had clearly proven that it was the most superior part of the body.

From that day on the arsehole became the boss and ruled over the entire body. And this proves you do not have to be smart to become the boss. You just need to be an arsehole. And Malaysia is living testimony to this doctrine that only arseholes can become the boss.


One day, a woman went to her doctor to discuss a ‘problem’ she was facing.

“My husband loves anal sex,” she told the doctor.

“So?” the doctor asked.

“Well, is it safe?” asked the woman.

“Do you enjoy it?” asked the doctor.

With a blush on her face and not daring to look the doctor in the eye, she admitted that she does.

“Well, carry on then,” the doctor replied, “as long as you also enjoy it.”

“But can I become pregnant through anal sex?” asked the woman.

“Of course you can,” the doctor replied. “Where do you think politicians come from?”


“And what is the purpose of the two stories above?” you might ask.

Well, considering that the world is crumbling around us — the Middle East is bringing the world to the brink of a Third World War with Israel’s attack on the Peace Flotilla, three Israeli submarines are now in the Persian Gulf and are aiming its nuclear missiles on Iran, the three PIGs (Portugal, Italy and Greece) are going bankrupt and may drag the entire world including Malaysia down with it, and much, much more — yet the entire country is focused on just one issue, Saiful’s arsehole. So, today, I thought I might as well jump onto the bandwagon and also talk about arseholes. After all, I don’t want anyone to allege that Malaysia Today is not keeping up with the latest issue.

And below is a graphical presentation of what is the number one issue for Malaysia and which will decide the future of this country — whether Anwar had or had not penetrated Saiful’s arsehole with his pecker.

Sad, very sad, when one arsehole decides the future of a country of 27 million people. I wonder, 100 years from now, when Malaysians look back on 2010, what the historians would be saying about this period of Malaysian history. India had its ‘Black Hole of Calcutta’ in June 1756 that changed the history of the Indian continent and planted the seed of the Indian nationalist movement. Are we going to see the ‘Black Hole of Saiful’ in June 2010 also change the course of Malaysian history?

Source: http://www.malaysia-today.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=32223:the-arsehole-is-boss&catid=20:no-holds-barred&Itemid=100087

916M: Gertak Chicken Out Lest Loss of Sibu

So gungho, so how could they have chickened out?

The only reason is that they are scared that they will lose Sibu.

If they go ahead, the Chinese in Sibu will surely swing towards Pakatan.

Just as simple as that.

916 Movement


Malaysia Kini: Perhimpunan ‘Bangkit Melayu’ ditangguh
Regina Lee
Mei 12, 10

Perhimpunan ‘Melayu Bangkit’ yang dijadual berlangsung di Terengganu esok sempena ulang tahun peristiwa berdarah 13 Mei 1969, telah ditangguhkan.

Pengerusi Gerakan Kebangkitan Rakyat (Gertak), Razali Idris berkata penganjur bersamanya, Institut Integriti Terengganu telah menasihatkan supaya perhimpunan itu ditangguhkan.

“Ramai yang be

lum faham objektif sebenar kami. Kami tidak mahu isu ini dipolitikkan oleh mereka tidak tahu,” katanya ketika dihubungi.

Perhimpunan itu diadakan dalam usaha untuk “memotivasikan” masyarakat Melayu serta bagi memperingati ulangtahun ke-41 peristiwa berdarah 13 Mei.

Mengikut perancangan awalnya, kira-kira 10,000 akan berhimpun di stadium tertutup Gong Badak di Kuala Terengganu esok.

Semalam PAS membantah penganjuran perhimpunan tersebut kerana beranggapan ianya “berbahaya dan tidak sihat” kepada hubungan kaum di Malaysia.

Source: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/131613

916M: Kudos Guan Eng on the Speakers’ Corner! More, more, more …!!!

Guan Eng, kudos!

There should be more initiatives like this.

And there should be more publicity too.

We are inclined to believe that the Penang Government has done a lot, but given the blackout in the mainstream media, the Pakatan Rakyat and the Penang Government must find alternative ways to reach out to the electorate.

We hardly hear about what the Penang Government has done.

Sure, there has been media blackout, but this does not mean that Pakatan and even the Penang Government cannot get creative.

How about setting up a Pakatan news portal?

How about the Penang Government sending out weekly e-News to the Rakyat who are interested to find out what the Penang Government has done? And these subscribers can subscribe at a Penang Government news portal which can be set up easily. And subscribers are asked to forward such eNews to friends, to encourage more to subscribe!

Sure, you have a lack of resources, but this does not mean that you cannot get creative in reaching out to the Rakyat or even in seeking help from Rakyat who are willing to help and contribute.

2 years plus gone, 2 years plus to go. Not much time, Pakatan better buckup, or else, it shall be bye-bye.

Focus on economic development, put money in the pockets of Penangites. Persuade fellow Chief Ministers to focus on the economic aspects of running the states. Help businesses get business from overseas, organise trade missions, develop such key industries like outsourcing, food export, etc.

Keep going, and we will be behind you.

But you need to stay focused on the right focus areas.

It is still not good enough, but keep it up and keep going!!!

916 Movement


Speech by Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang, during the launch of the Speakers’ Corner today

Tuesday, 04 May 2010 Super Admin

The Speakers’ Corner fulfills the aspirations of empowering the people by encouraging citizens to exercise their constitutional rights under Article 10 (1)(a) of the Federal Constitution of freedom of speech and expression and Article 10 (1)(b) where all citizens have the right to assemble peaceably.

1. I wish to thank all of you for being here to witness the historic launching ceremony of the first Speakers’ Corner in Malaysia today. This auspicious day marks an important history in George Town’s colorful chapter of political change since March 2008 where the Speakers’ Corner represents the platform of democracy for all Malaysians, the aspirations to enjoy the right to freedom of expression and the hopes of all Malaysians for a civil society.

2. With the Speakers’ Corner, the rakyat will have the opportunity to express their views and opinions freely whilst ensuring that their rights are being protected.  Speakers’ Corner should be an avenue to allow the citizens and individuals to have gatherings and candle vigil peaceful demonstrations, press conference, various other forms of peaceful and artistic forms of expression and to demonstrate their citizens’ rights.

3. It is time for Penang to show the rest of Malaysia that the thrust of participatory democracy is alive and well in this state and it embraces the value of freedom and human rights. Let’s not consider the Speakers’ Corner as just another platform like Hyde Park in London but an important milestone for democracy and free speech in Penang and Malaysia.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

4. Penang PR’s people-centric state government is based on 3E’s of Empowering the people, Enriching therakyat and Enabling the people. The Speakers’ Corner fulfills the aspirations of empowering the people by encouraging citizens to exercise their constitutional rights under Article 10 (1)(a) of the Federal Constitution of freedom of speech and expression and Article 10 (1)(b) where all citizens have the right to assemble peaceably.

5. Penang State Government entrust the citizens of Penang will make use of this Speakers’ Corner responsibly to demonstrate their views, exercise their rights by giving them the voice to speak. They should be mindful that the police can take action because the police have said that they are unable to provide any legal immunity from prosecution. I wish to urge the police to exercise judicious discretion and allow views to be freely expressed.

6. The Speakers’ Corner may result in unfair criticisms, including of the state government. I believe that we are all mature enough to listen to different views and allow people the freedom to express them freely. We hope this will give us  the most important freedom of all, which is the freedom from fear.

7. I have always said that a good government must do three things: listen to the people, do the people’s work and give hope to the people. The Speakers’ Corner serves as a catalyst to the growing spirit of democracy throughout Penang and the willingness of the state government to listen to the people to be a good government.

8. As Voltaire was reputed to have said on free speech, “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. Last but not least, I wish to thank the Police, the Local Authority and the NGOs that have worked together to establish a Speakers’ Corner in George Town.


Source: http://www.malaysia-today.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=31629:speech-by-lim-guan-eng-chief-minister-of-penang-during-the-launch-of-the-speakers-corner-today&catid=18:letterssurat&Itemid=100129

916M: Anwar, where’s the Shadow Cabinet, etc???

There is fear amongst us that the road to Putrajaya is starting to look dimmer and dimmer.

No doubt, Najib is smart enough to know where to strike, to focus on where it matters, ie money in the pockets, or enhanced economic prosperity. It is indeed a fact that when people are better off, they will complain less.

Coupled with the bias use of MSM, especially in making Pakatan looking like fools, Najib is apparently making it look as if BN is gaining ground.

Those of us who believe that Malaysia will never be transformed unless BN is booted out, will remain steadfast to this belief. But there are many others, especially fence-sitters who may be swayed.

Pakatan is really not doing enough, and if it does not seize the opportunity of the balance of 2 to 3 years before GE13, the 308 Political Tsunami, in the words of Kit Siang, will just be seen as a “one term wonder”.

Pakatan must wake up! And wake up now it must!

Where’s the Shadow Cabinet?

OK, it is difficult to build the Shadow Cabinet, but can’t you at least try to push out some common platform?

What happened to The People’s Voice and The People’s Declaration which you had said you would adopt?

If you do not move your butt now, and move quickly at that, it will just be goodbye to you come GE13.

916 Movement

916M: Yes! Zaid for Hulu Selangor!!!

Great idea! Zaid Ibrahim for Hulu Selangor!!!

The majority won by the late Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Ahmad was very slim, and given BN’s dirty tactics to date in manipulation and misrepresentation via MSM, amongst many other things,  it will be a hard win for PKR unless it puts up a credible candidate.

Zaid will be good because he has portrayed himself as a no nonsense leader, and one who talks sense.

However, there may be quarters in PKR which would not want to see Zaid rise so meteoritically.

But the PKR leadership must not give in to internal politics, and must select the best candidate to win this bi-election.

Unless someone can come up with a better name, we would stick to Zaid.

Sure, PKR may lose this time round.

But it is still not the end of the road yet, as it will be up to us as to how we choose to see things.

Of course, of late, there have been many unpleasant developments in PKR or PR for that matter, but this does not mean that PR will collapse. PR is merely going through a cleansing exercise, and this exercise is most necessary to get ready for GE13. And this also does not mean that right-minded electorate, who knows what ought to be done for the country, will backslide and go back to BN.

BN in its present form is full of faults, for political parties cannot be founded on racial lines. Even if BN wins Hulu Selangor, or GE13 for that matter, the win is only temporary, because to sustain over the long-term, organisations must be founded on sound basic principles. BN does not have that – unless it totally revamps itself – and will not be perpetual.

We have waited so long already, and so, it is OK to wait.

But we will also not take it by sitting down; we will ensure that we will win Hulu Selangor.

And there is no better candidate than Zaid!

916 Movement

P/S: Certainly too, we must get ready for Anwar being hauled in, and Zaid is a good alternative.

916M: Zul a Plan B to get Anwar

Funny how politicians change when their future change.

Zul used to be fighting behind Anwar, but now, when the stakes are changed, Zul would just turnaround, say a lot of things about Anwar, implying that Anwar had acted seditiously, all intended to ensure Anwar is put behind bars, in the event the Saiful strategy fails.

Come to think of it, they may just not pursue the Saiful strategy because they look awfully stupid, and hence, may just go for Anwar on the basis of sedition.

How cheap can some politicians be.

How low they are prepared to sink.

Useless bums!

We just have to soldier on, and we must come up with our Plan B, or even Plan C as well.

No matter what, we will get to Putrajaya.

916 Movement

916M: Hindraf this, Hindraf that …

Hindraf supports Barisan Rakyat, Hindraf disillusioned with Pakatan, Hindraf in, Hindraf out, Hindraf this, Hindraf that, …

Then you have the Makhal Sakthi Party, which later swung behind BN, then got into presidential turmoil, and all this rendered the term “Makhal Sakthi” as chanted during GE12 meaningless …

They are all over the place …

The problem is that they keep looking from the Indian’s interests point of view only.

Sure, Indians – mind you, like many others – have been marginalised.

So, why don’t you just start advocating from the point of view of all marginalised Malaysians? Why only Indians?

If you advocate from the point of view of all marginalised Malaysians, you will surely be able to include the interests of Indians, and you will surely go further than where you are able to go to now.

Times have indeed changed, and all of us must keep changing.

What we must all do is to ensure that Pakatan comes in at GE13, and this will then start off the bi-partisan political system.

916 Movement

916M: 308: The glass is almost full …

2 years on … so how did we go?

As they say, it is either you choose to see the glass as half empty or half full.

We, of course, choose to see it as half full.

As a matter of fact, we should choose to see it as almost full.

Sure, Pakatan did screw up, but that is only part of growing pains.

Pakatan is now portrayed as being in tatters; we do not think so. We see this as a cleansing process. 

Good riddance to Zahrain, Fairus, Tee Beng and Zul.

We have 2 to 3 years to go before GE13.

Najib will likely call for GE13 when the economy is back on its foot again.

Economy good or not, we must change the ruling party. 

For it is only with the change that BN will transform itself. If BN wins one more time, complacency will set in again, and BN will use this to justify that the electorate is happy with its structure. But BN with its current structure now cannot really work, because racial policies will be made to dominate as before.

Sure, changing the ruling party to Pakatan will be risky.

But what have we got to lose?

We have given BN 53 years already, and what they have given us are plenty of incompetent politicians, and hopeless policies.

Malaysia must change, and change via the ballot box at GE13.

Let us not give up hope, for it is actually not that bad.

Just that the BN controlled media is making it look very bad.

It is not half empty, nor half full, but almost full.

We just got to keep believing that we will get there.

And we must continue to work hard to get there.

916 Movement

916M: Local Elections: Go for it!!!

Penang’s move to pursue Local Government Elections is indeed a step in the right direction.

Kudos too to Selangor for following suit.

It is likely that the Elections Commission will find a way to avoid this.

If the Elections Commission resists, take this to court, right up to the Federal Court.

Yeah, sure, they will arrange for the Federal Court to decide their way.

It is OK, at least we would be able to make a point.

We can remain hopeful that some High Court judge with conscience will decide the right way.

Who knows, we may succeed? In which case, such Local Elections may be a way for the Rakyat to send a message to the incumbent government that we do not like to be messed up with.

Or even if we lose, at least we get to educate the Rakyat on another important aspect of the nation’s governance which must be corrected.

Just go for it, for we have nothing to lose!

916 Movement

916M: Thank you, Nomad Muslim, and We Will Action NOW!

It is indeed heartening to know that we have friends of Malaysia who care about Malaysia. Perhaps too there are many of them around.

Thank you, Nomad Muslim for all the work that you have done, and not to worry, you did your best, the problem was not with you, but with Zul turning around, just as Ibrahim Ali did. Ingrates.

You have indeed hit it to the point, ie one of the major problems is with some of the them, harping on Rights, whilst the world goes by day after day, leaving them further and further behind. So, what good do Rights bring if you miss out on everything else? And the more they delve into it, the more destitute they will be.

There are currently 2 types of such destitutes around, the destitute leaders, and the destitute followers. Forget about those destitute leaders who do not know what they are talking about nor what they are doing; we can leave them as is. But for those poor destitute followers who have been misled, we can help them.

And the way to help them is to return Malaysia with a new and forward looking government.

Talk no more, let us get down to action: choose the next batch of Wakil Rakyat, encourage more eligible voters to register, educate the voters, and build our own communication and dissemination network, amongst many other things.

Let us get down to it!

916 Movement


The Malaysian Insider: I contributed to Zul’s victory & I’m sorry – Nomad Muslim

MARCH 2 — Dear Editor, I would appreciate if you publish this long but terribly important letter on Zulkifli Nordin, Umno, the Malays and the tragic state Malaysia finds itself in today. Thank you and may Allah (sw) bless you.

The letter:

I did contribute to Zulkifli’s victory and I’m sorry dear Malaysians

I’m a Muslim student in Malaysia from an African non-Muslim country. I have been here for a while to know much about this country.

Although I’m in the science stream, I follow the Malaysian political scene with fervour. In fact, foreign students particularly Muslims follow Malaysia’s sorry state with disgust and shock.

A nation we thought we could be proud of and sell to others including our countries, but unfortunately hell-bent on proving that God’s Grace can be a curse.

As Malaysia prepared for the now historic March 08 elections, we did whatever we could in our own simple ways of contributing to the Pakatan (later formed of course) groups particularly PAS and PKR.

Either we encouraged our Malay brethren whom we knew were registered to go and vote or at least help in disseminating the PAS and PKR political platforms and popularize their candidates. One such candidate was Nulkifli Nordin, a Reformasi stalwart.

Reading his blog then which was started in Feb 2008 was interesting. What a shameful metamorphosis indeed! In case he deletes it, we have captured it for posterity and Allah (sw) knows much more. Now here comes what I did.

On March 02, 6 days before the poll, as I went through Malaysian blogs, I came across damaging information against the UMNO candidate for KULIM Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir published in the blog of former DAP MP James Wong, who linked to a statement issued by The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH).

The statement was carried by The Merdeka Review and it was in Chinese. I immediately alerted Zulkifli through email and a comment left at his blog. I also sent him the link to Lim Kit Siang’s reaction to what Abdul Azizi has done by threatening to burn down the KLSCAH in 2000.

By then, the people who were visiting his blog were very small in number. He was desperately popularizing his blog through Malaysia-Today, Harris Ibrahim and Zorro blogs which are of course very popular. But my information will change a lot. As I left the comment in his blog, I requested that his not publish my comment but act on its message. He heeded my call. To him, I was just a concerned “Malaysian” who was fighting with him (or for him?) to secure him a victory against Umno.

Zulkifli Nordin thanked me and on the same date that I alerted him published the KLSCAH information plus Lim Kit Siang’s press statement on Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir’s antics. Using the photo provided by Merdeka Review, he added: Tolak budaya samseng and then wrote: (We thank you wanyama for alerting us on this news….).

Wanyama was the fake name I used to sign in. The reaction was swift. That particular entry was published in Malaysia today. I personally linked it to Harris Ibrahim’s blog and Zorro’s too through commenting in their blogs. 20 people including me commented on the entry and I wrote: “Well, I’m the one who rang the alarm bell. Mr Zulkifli, this is a big chance to awaken the Chineese. It should be printed today and made sure every Chinese voter gets it. It is politics of honesty, accountability, responsibility and good manners. UMNO samsengs have no such qualities no wonder they are threatening people with fire. How can such people be made MPs? Kulim voters, be they Chinese, Malays or Indian, reject samseng.”

Zulkifli who was struggling with the Chinese vote got a golden chance to awaken the Chinese in Kulim and distributed thousands of flyers over this “Extremist” UMNO man (to use his own words…how days change). This also proved fatal to UMNO. Desperate to defeat him, UMNO was distributing demonic CDs against Anwar Ibrahim in Kulim and Zulkifli was campaigning on the premise that he was a Reformasi man and that he was DSAI’s lawyer. Rather than continuing on its demonic spree against DSAI, UMNO in Kulim was put on the defensive and by March 06, it was clear that Zul was headed for an emphatic history.

UMNO tried to disqualify him 2 days to the polling date on the premise that he didn’t submit his Account Statement and he lodged a police report against the Returning Officer and also sent a scathing letter to The Star for publishing a report titled: “Question mark over Zulkifli” and demanded that it publishes his press statement. Later the EC clarified that he was eligible to contest. Note that UMNO wanted to act against him only after his chances of winning became clear and didn’t object to his candidacy on the nomination day as usual.

Then the DAY came and Zul went on to win the Kulim seat. His ranted against the evil, corrupt, extremist and disgraceful Umno (his words) and the people listened and voted for him. One day after the victory, a Mahathirist commentator who used the pen name: arb_ok wrote: “Assalamualaikum YB, Congratulations on your recent election as the people’s representative. On behalf of my friends from KL who went back all the way to Kulim just to vote you, we sincerely hope that you shall carry your new responsibilities to the fullest.

Please remember not to take the voters for granted. The Kulim folks are no longer awed by the BN. I personally hope that despite you winning on Keadilan ticket, you shall not pursue the cause of DSAI as he is a gone case. Please remember to serve the Kulim folks well and you shall be rewarded handsomely.

And I must let you know that my vote went to the candidate and not the party. I despise Keadilan for their struggle on Anwar. Largely the Kulim folks are not fond of Anwar but we were simply sick of the PM and his advisers.

Selamat berkhidmat. Wassalam and syabas YB.”

I responded to this rabid Mahathirist and defended Anwar, Zul and PKR as a “Malaysian” and I wrote:

“Dear arb_ok


Your understanding is warped and your intellectual poverty is immense and heartrending that it needs attention. Let me address the issues that you have raised one by one.

1. You congratulated the new YB on his victory which is right. Then you went on to claim credit on behalf of your friends in KL. Well, you need to show the evidence that there were friends of yours who authorized you to speak on their behalf. I myself is from KL and went to vote in Kulim for Noordin. You said the new YB should carry his duties well since Kulim voters are no longer awed by BN. Agreed! But it is Malaysia which also is not awed by BN and its pussyfooters.

2. Then you addressed the new YB saying that he shouldn’t pursue the cause of DSAI since he is a gone case. It is here that I’m very interested in. first of all, what’s DSAI’s cause and who determines that cause? Secondly, how did you know that he was gone? Using which barometer? By what law, by what justice? Your calculation that you voted for the candidate but hates his party unearths your buffoonery since at the end of the day a candidate is voted on the basis of the ideals and manifestos of his/her party. Moreover, if Noordin is good, then it means the party that fielded him must have been good in the sense that it looked for the good people.

3. You wrote: “I despise Keadilan for their struggle on Anwar.” I must say that your hatred to Anwar the person has rendered you a buffoon beyond salvation point. This is because KeADILan is a party made of diverse people with diverse background driven by one goal: a better Malaysia. The fact that Anwar is part of that mass movement or party shouldn’t confuse you my dear. Yes, I can see you hate Anwar but Anwar even is not aware of your existence, so it will be civil and informed not to nag others about him as you are desperately doing here. Furthermore, the fact that KeADILan was formed after Anwar was jailed doesn’t make it an Anwar party. In any way, a party is borne at a given moment due to a certain political, economical or national cause at a given moment too, and therefore KeADILan’s birth at the height of the political assassination of DSAI doesn’t make the party bereft of any idea or its multifarious supporters and winners a hapless bunch of people wallowing in intellectual penury.

4. You said Kulim people are not fond of Anwar. Hehehe Which Kulim people are you talking about? It is just like how you said on behalf of KL friends. Mah! You are so cheap and condescending my dear. Your view and atavistic rage against Anwar can’t be said to be that of Kulim or its people. I’m sorry to inform you that Kulim is not you. Kulim has thousands of people with different ideas, perceptions, beliefs and orientations, therefore, your childish rants that the people of Kulim are anti-Anwar as if you are the Kulim itself makes your argument utterly naïve and ludicrous. Just say, as far as I’m concerned, ok? Thanks, wassalam.”

One may ask why all this trouble, well, we did all this to support the change and Malaysia’s prospect for a better tomorrow. We support the Islam of Tok Guru Nik Aziz (note I say Nik Aziz and not Ustadh Hadi) and the leadership of DSAI and now Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. We did this in order to support the people we thought were conscientious enough to understand that there is a crying need for a new paradigm in this nation and the salvation of this outwardly glamorous nation but deeply rotten inside. We did this because we have seen how rotten the system is, how failed Malaysia is becoming and how defeatist culture and inherent opportunism is becoming the accepted norm.

In 2006, a friend from another country was arrested in Kedah while he was going to Thailand. He was informed that his visa had expired the previous day by the Kedah Immigration and then he was detained. A relative of his requested me to accompany him to Alor Star to visit the man. I did. What I saw was shocking. Rather than putting the man through due process, the Immigration men demanded RM10,000. And when we informed them that his case has already being taken to court, a lawyer from UiTM who was working with the Immigration men said this to me: “all this will be solved. Both the prosecutor and the judge are known to me and he will be released immediately provided you pay the amount”, and then he gave me his account number.

He was a treacherous man selling his motherland. He is a product of a corrupt system that’s hailed as a success. We wanted the likes of Zulkifli to do something for Kedah, Malaysia and all those who love this nation. And those petty Umnoputras who rant against the world for demanding a fair tribal for DSAI, it is because even poor foreign students know how corrupt Malaysia’s judiciary is. We are witness to it and the world knows much than you can imagine.

Like would a Malay(sian) student in the US would in all probability support Obama, or the same student in India would do a dig for the Congress, the overwhelming majority of foreign Muslim students in Malaysia unequivocally support Anwar Ibrahim. Make no mistake about it and we aren’t stupid about it. We also salute beloved Tok Guru Nik Aziz whose courage and fatigue represent the spirit of the nation. And we also salute the always urbane and truly patriotic Ku li. For me and many others, these three men (plus many others in the trenches) are the real patriots. A patriot is the one who demands the best of his/her nation, not a vile, tribal posturing, knife (keris) waving buffoon who can’t express himself in an intelligent way. These three men also have been victims of the system and they are ones who can only correct it.

For us, Zul was part of the true patriots. The man who accused his UMNO rival of extremism became its ugly and unacceptable face. There was no intellectual input from him on any issue, a typical Ibrahim Ali, only younger. The fact that Ibrahim Ali is a vile character who can bad mouth others isn’t a sign of patriotism and neither would his empty tribal rhetoric take the Malays to a new frontier. I have been observing Zul, and I must say I feel sorry that I did little to help him win an argument against a rival whom he embraces today betraying the men and women who struggled with him all along. May be the Arab saying that revolution eats its children is true.

In fact, the Malays are very strange people if not the strangest on earth. Say, if you work together and you disagree, they will become your enemies and even do unimaginable things to you simply because you parted ways. Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un.

They will also go to your “original” enemies simply to spite you but it is they who spiting their own souls and dignity. You can say they are a people who cut off their noses to spite their faces. Ya Allah! Take former PKR Secretary General Dato Salehuddin Hashim for example. The fact that he has had few disagreements with (may be) some PKR leaders, today, he wants to destroy the party! That’s his way of his struggle and reformasi. Reading his statements in the Malaysian Insider and The Edge yesterday reminded me of the Quranic verse: “And do not be like she who untwisted her spun thread after it was strong [by] taking your oaths as [means of] deceit between you because one community is more plentiful [in number or wealth] than another community. Allah only tries you thereby. And He will surely make clear to you on the Day of Resurrection that over which you used to differ.” (16: 92)

When Malaysian MPs were going to Korea two weeks ago, I was at KLIA leaving for my country-South Africa. As I waited for my flight and roamed the airport, I saw PKR MPs Zuraidah Kamaruddin and Kapar MP M. Manickavasagam, PAS MPs like Dr Hatta Ramli and Dr. Lo’lo Ghazali and some UMNO MPs. Zul was the loudest and the most uncouth. Wearing a tight jeans and a T-Shirt (infidel clothes I guess), he never even greeted the Pakatan MPs. He stuck with UMNO MPs and you could see him haughtily laughing from around the corner. Loudly speaking on the phone, you could think he was excited for flying. I almost wanted to talk to him, but some UMNO MPs guarded him and I was fearful knowing that I’m a foreigner even if a Muslim.

Definitely he was a trapped man, and a perfidious character devoid of God’s fear. I want to say this to Zul, dishonesty and betrayal of ideals and friends is not part of serving Islam. And Islam is not served by attacking private premises, bad mouthing others, tribalising its universal message and turning it into a base political tool. Islam is more than that my dear! One way of serving Islam is respecting your friends and comrades even if they are non-Muslims let alone Muslims and disagreements in ideas and ideologies in Islam is a mercy. If certain PKR leaders take a position and you take another, that’s a mercy unto you all. Don’t force others to take your position and don’t humiliate others and be conscious of God in Whose Court you shall answer alone. Your intentions should be for Him and remember God wants us to prove that we love Him by loving humanity.

Zul today wants PAS and PKR to severe ties with DAP but he thought it fit that he should use DAP support to win. He saw it fit to use Lim Kit Siang’s statement against his UMNO rival to get the overwhelming Chinese vote and today he talks as if UMNO gave him the seat. Any person with an iota of intelligence will tell you that Lim Kit Siang is more pro-Islam and Malay today than he was on March 07, 2008. Rather than capitalizing on that; and bringing the nation together and giving the Malays dignity and bringing to an end this heartrending mentality of: “we are sensitive people, (you mean others aren’t?), we will ran amok. We are weak, we need eternal crutches”, Zul is going back, back on anything good.

If he was a visionary leader, he would have understood that neither UMNO nor the current mentality will sustain the Malays. He would have taken his people to a new frontier much as they may hate it because a great leader takes his people where they DON’T want but aught to be while a leader (UMNO type) takes his people where they WANT. (Responding to base reactions, empty rhetoric and visionless politics devoid of God’s fear and based on brutal tactics).

Allah (sw) has been good to you Malays in many ways. He made you Muslims, He brought the Chinese and Indians to this country, if you doubt their benefit and contributions, ask others. Ask us! After Islam, the presence of the Chinese and Indians in this country is the greatest grace Allah (sw) has bestowed upon you Malays. He gave you a beautiful, an abundant nation. He gave you meek people who accept second class status and never demand much-the Sabah and the Sarawak Bumis. He gave you resources and a strategic place to call home. Rather than glorifying God and taking care of this nation, you cry daily, whine daily, threaten others daily, refuse to ask yourselves critical questions. Blame others, shame yourselves by repeatedly saying ‘we are weak, we are sensitive’ and defame Islam by using it as a tribal bomoh culture rather than a universal message.

You cry our “Allah”, since when did Allah become your tribal god? Please explains to us Muslims from the four corners of the earth why “Allah” is yours for example? You are not more Muslims than us. Are you? So tell us why? You won’t respond and if you do, it will be along the usual lines: “Our people will be confused.” All that you know is to say: our people are weak, our people are sensitive, our people are easily confused, and our people can easily run amok”. Is that’s how you prove your intelligence? Is that’s how you want others to respect you? Is that’s how you want Muslims in other countries to take your case and explain it to others? Is this is how you want to be viewed globally? My dear brethren, my dear Malays…till when? For us Muslims in other parts of the world, we know why! Unfortunately the people who are responsible for this tragic state are the same people who are leading you today and you never even stop for a moment to ask: where are we heading. May be you will wake up when you have already fallen to the pit!

Islam is not for Muslims alone. Non-Muslims can use Islam against us if they feel we aren’t being true to what we purport to believe in. If the Chinese and Indians say NEP is un-Islamic, that’s true. The Prophet (pbuh) would have decreed the same today. The Prophet (pbuh) would have issued a decree saying the poor Chinese and Indians should be given aid too. But a typical UMNO-Zulikifli type would respond: “We are sensitive, hak kita, ini bumi kita…we will use the keris… we will run amok…May 13” There won’t be a single intelligent response. An Islamic input, a humanist input, an economical input. It will be the same Ibrahim Ali and May 13 rhetoric. Not only you shame yourselves, you do that to those who love you because of Islam.

There is a crying need for the Malays to wake up and realize that business can’t be as usual. That protests don’t build a powerful community. They need to realize that Islam is for all and that UMNO’s tribal posturing will harm them more others and that the world isn’t waiting for them. You are being overtaken by all and sundry while you rant and rave, stuck in your own created quagmire. The Ibrahim Alis, demonic Utusan-undoubtedly Malaysia’s face of evil-, the Puad Zarkashis, The Alhabshees, BTN, and opportunist, inherently dishonest turncoats who can be bought for few Ringgits won’t help you in becoming a better people and a nation.

A man who can’t show your capability, but rather trades in your anguish, a man who sacrifices your future for political expediency, a man who doesn’t share with you the latest economic figures, research out, etc but sings a tribal song to you in order to inflame you and arouse your base emotions is not the one who will make you prosper and succeed in the Two World. You need intelligent leadership, a God fearing leadership, an honest leadership, true Malay leadership. You need Ku Li, Nik Aziz and DSAI. Allahuma Fashhad (O God be the witness).

“And that ears (that should hear the tale and) retain its memory should bear its (lessons) in remembrance.” Holy Qur’an 69: 13)


Your brother from South Africa

Source: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/opinion/breaking-views/54938-i-contributed-to-zuls-victory-a-im-sorry-nomad-muslim